Expert analysis and commentary on real estate markets and economic trends

Economic Hardship for Gen Z: A Data-Driven Analysis
An analysis of how housing, education, and childcare costs have outpaced income growth over the past thirty years, creating unprecedented financial challenges for young Americans.

Regulatory Market Dynamics: When Real Estate Rules Break Markets
A detailed analysis of how housing regulations in San Francisco and St. Paul demonstrate the unintended consequences of well-intentioned housing policies, highlighting the delicate balance between market intervention and market efficiency.

The Volcker Era: A Pivotal Moment in U.S. Monetary Policy
An analysis of Paul Volcker's transformative leadership at the Federal Reserve, examining how his aggressive anti-inflation policies in the 1980s reshaped American monetary policy and economic landscape.

An In-Depth View on Government Spending
A comprehensive analysis of federal spending patterns, including healthcare, Social Security, and defense, examining how $6.1 trillion in taxpayer dollars were allocated in 2023.

Half-Century Perspective | Rental Inflation
A comprehensive analysis of rental inflation trends over the past 50 years, examining historical patterns and their implications for American households.

Understanding Debt-to-GDP: A Critical Measure of Fiscal Health
An exploration of the debt-to-GDP ratio as a key indicator of national fiscal health, examining its implications for the United States and global economies.

Impact of Treasury Issuances on the Yield Curve
An analysis of how U.S. Treasury issuances, projected to exceed $28.9 trillion in 2024, impact the yield curve and market dynamics.

A Historical Analysis of the Unemployment Rate
An examination of the unprecedented 13.9% year-over-year rise in unemployment, analyzing historical patterns and their implications for economic forecasting.

Over $500 Billion in Unrealized Losses at U.S. Banks
An in-depth analysis of the unprecedented $517 billion in unrealized losses in the U.S. banking system, examining causes, implications, and broader economic impact.

Gold is Gold: Navigating the Surge in Prices
An analysis of the recent 23% surge in gold prices, examining historical context, influencing factors, and institutional investment strategies.
Brief History of Attempts to Ban U.S. Representatives from Trading
An examination of Congressional trading practices, from the founding of the nation to modern day attempts at reform, highlighting key controversies and legislative efforts.

The Federal Reserve Posts $150 Billion in Losses
An examination of the Federal Reserve's $154 billion in accumulated losses, analyzing the causes, implications, and future outlook for central banking operations.
Data Center Demand Forecasted to Grow 10% a Year Until 2030
Analysis of McKinsey's forecast for data center growth, examining market dynamics, key players, and technological infrastructure driving the expansion.
Extend and Pretend: How Banks are Avoiding Losses on Commercial Real Estate
An analysis of the growing trend of 'extend and pretend' strategies in commercial real estate lending, as banks face $1.1 trillion in mortgage refinancing challenges.
The Role of Behavioral Economics in Real Estate
An exploration of how behavioral economics influences real estate investment decisions through the lens of two contrasting investor approaches.

When the Federal Funds Rate Falls
An analysis of the relationship between Federal Funds Rate changes and equity market performance over a 30-year period, examining historical patterns and market implications.
Understanding Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits (REMICs)
A comprehensive overview of REMICs, their role in real estate financing, and their relationship with government agencies like Ginnie Mae.
Unveiling the Relationship: Inflation and Real Estate Dynamics
A practical exploration of how inflation impacts various aspects of the real estate market, from property values to investment strategies, through real-world examples.
The Invisible Hand of Incentives
An examination of how market incentives shape narratives and create market noise, using the dairy farming industry as a case study in market dynamics.
What is the Fair Value Variable?
A comprehensive guide to understanding the Fair Value Variable (FVV), its calculation methodology, and its role in assessing residential real estate market valuations.
Why Flows Matter
An in-depth examination of the importance of flows in economics and real estate, exploring their psychological impact, behavioral responses, and market implications.